Hi everyone!
I have been pondering on some things for the past few weeks. You might have noticed a lack of new blog posts or less original stuff on my social media platforms.
I’ve been in a bit of a health “pickle”. I am in the process of sorting it out but it takes time to find out what is going on in my body and how to work it out – tests, procedures, medication and other options.
I was stressing out recently, here are some of my thoughts:
“I haven’t written my post for today”
“I’m letting my audience down”
“My social media will stagnate and I will lose all the hard work I’ve done”
“I must carry on no matter what”
I quickly realised that these thoughts weren’t helping and I gave myself a compassionate-but-firm “talking-to” and came to the conclusion that I need to strip things down to the bare minumum, which means:
- Putting new blog posts on hold for the next month at least, and reassess at the end of the month.
- Creating new content and scheduling content on Social Media is also on hold, but fortunately there is the “saving grace” of other people’s content – 80% of my posts should be curated content anyway so I will appease my “social media stagnation fears” by reposting, which takes seconds. If I don’t then I don’t, but the option is there.
- My plans for online courses are also on hold.
In a way, this gives you an idea of what I’m working on, so it’s not a bad idea to let you know about my stripped back plans for the next month. Lots to look forward to for my audience, readers and followers, but also for myself….
….It’s just not happening this month. I need to take the time off! (sounds like I’m trying to convince myself huh? well I sort of am, because I love my work, everything above makes me happy, but I need to take this time off to be able to do it to the best of my ability and without hurting myself!).
What I will be doing during this month:
- I will look forward to my 2 weeks off I’ve scheduled at the end of the month (29th October to 9th November) for self-care. I find that having something to look forward to like a short break or holiday helps as there is a chance to fully relax and let go soon.
- Focusing on client work, saving all my energy and willpower to do a great job with my clients, who deserve the high quality of counselling and tutoring services I am known for and that they signed up for.
- Being true to myself and cancelling on time when I feel things might be too much. I had to do this last week and it was fine. It shows I’m human and clients were understanding. I must remind myself that this is unusual, this is not forever, and I’ll be back to my usual self in good time.
- Resting and finding solutions through research and contacting doctors, pushing for the care I deserve – trust me it’s been hard work getting my needs met but I am practicing what I preach and persevering with looking after my health.
What I’ve learned – and have been reminded of – through this tricky health time in my life:
- I am not the only one struggling with health issues – other counsellors are struggling and doing the best they can.
- I am allowed to stop, take stock and rethink things.
- I have a clear plan of where I want to get to, and this means I can take breaks (day, week, month) when I need to, and when I get back to it, there is a clear guide to follow.
- People are very understanding and helpful in times of need.
- I deserve to get the care and support I need. It is there, it’s a matter of who shouts the loudest at the moment with the services.
- Time is short, but time heals and then there will be more time to do the things I enjoy.
- Relationships are important. My support system is so vital and everyone has been supporting me with thoughts, comments, reassurance and cups of tea or glasses of wine!
- I am practising what I preach. What I write in my book, what I tell my clients, I am doing it.
- am sure there are more…I will add them to this post as I think of them! Have you got any that you want to add here?
While I get back on track with my physical health, have a browse through my blogsite for some informative and interesting posts that I’ve already written -since August 2017 up to now.
Good job, knowing when to step back and take care of yourself! I hope your health gets sorted soon. Take care!
Thanks 🙂